Friday, January 24, 2014

The Changes They are A-Comin' {New Blog Launch Date!}

As my regular readers may remember, I announced several weeks ago that there would be changes to this blog. Among other things, I said I'd be blogging with greater frequency. The weeks have passed and this is my first post since.

I'm here to announce that I didn't lie. Making certain changes has taken longer than expected. I'll be launching my new blog in just over a week on Monday, February 3rd! I'll be coming back full force with lots of fun tutorials, pictures, recipes, philosophizing, and more.

Closer to that date, I'll post a link to my new blog here. Until then, enjoy some of my favorite reads right now.

Monday, January 6, 2014

What to Expect in 2014

New Year's was pretty low key for us. I spent the evening at a friend's party while the hubby worked. Then, I headed home at 1030 to watch the New Year in with him. We discussed goals and desires for the New Year. I don't like to call them resolutions. That sounds like a death sentence. Who actually accomplishes their resolutions? Instead I'll just say that we talked over what we'd like to see happen in our lives in 2014.

While we talked about a lot of things from getting healthier and losing weight to reading more books to achieving a couple of very important financial goals to growing spiritually, I'd like to share some of the goals that directly effect this blog.


I want to see this blog grow in 2014. That will mean a lot of changes and a lot of sitting back and evaluating what works and doesn't work. Things to look for include a new design and domain, more frequent posts, and more DIY posts. I'd especially like to journal about my pattern drafting and sewing adventures. It takes time and discipline to pull together a project enough to blog about and write a tutorial for it, but I'd like to do more of that in the time to come.


I'm actively seeking simplicity in our chaotic lives this year. To me, simplicity means paring down and getting back to basics, whether that's owning less stuff or (paradoxically) doing things the hard way sometimes. I'd like to blog more about this journey.


The hubby and I are both finding ourselves in a bit of health rut. Tiredness and aches and pains are an everyday thing. We're seeking solutions. As we eat better and get back to basics, I may write a bit about our search. Expect yummy but healthier recipes.

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Number 1 Resolution? More Cuddles!
photo 1 (11)

In the theme of growth for this blog, I'd love some feedback. I want to write posts that help or delight others. What would you like to see more of here?