Monday, March 3, 2014

The 7-Year Refashion {or That 70's Dress Becomes a Skirt}

About 7 years ago, my best friend and I were in the middle of one of our favorite activities  (thrifting) when I found the perfect dress. It was long and vintage with an ivory bodice and a green patterned skirt (two of my favorite colors). We were at one of those dirt cheap charity shops where everything sells for 50 cents and there are no changing rooms. So I bought the dress and hoped for the best.

When I got the dress home, though, I discovered, to my distress, that I couldn't zip it. It fit over my hips and waist, but there was nothing I could do to make the ribcage fit. The fabric was too pretty to lose, though. So I put it away and dreamed of someday making something out of it. 

Fast-forward 7 years and several sewing classes. Last week, we were at my parents house. We slept in my old bedroom. I opened a drawer and discovered the dress. Time for a refashion!

This refashion was 7 years in the making but took about 7 minutes to make (ok, that is an exaggeration for the sake of parallelism). Basically, I cut off the bodice, folded down the ruched waistline, and slip-stitched it into place. I didn't even replace the zipper. I just gave it a new top-stop and made sure it was securely folded down. Now, I have a cute new skirt! 

Outfit Details

Glasses: Rivet & Sway
Headband: unkown
Bow clip: H&M
Cardigan: Very old. Target
T-shirt: Target
Skirt: Vintaged. Refashioned by me.

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